If you have any queries about your membership that are not answered below, please contact the KAL Contact Centre team on contact.centre@kal.org.uk
Existing Members
Existing membership with KAL
I already have an existing membership with KAL, can I move to ActiveHud?
Annual membership customers
I am an annual KAL fitness membership paying customer and want to move to ActiveHud, can I get a refund and re-join?
New members
Where to join
Where can I sign up for a membership? Is it available online?
Membership criteria
What are the criteria to join on a University of Huddersfield, ActiveHud membership?
General Information
Which centres can I use?
Centre entry
Do I use the same card to swipe into the University gym and KAL gym?
Staff membership
Is this just for students or can staff join?
Flexi card
Does this membership include the Flexi card benefits?
Cancelling your membership
Leaving the University
What happens if/when I leave the University?
How do I cancel my membership?
Leaving University soon
Can I join on this membership if I am leaving the University in, for example, 2 months?
Freeze your membership
Can I freeze my membership?
Booking after unfreezing
I have now unfrozen my membership and it will be active in 7 days; can I book an activity in the meantime?
Annual payments
Can you pay annually for this membership?
Non-UK bank accounts
I don't have a UK bank account, so I cannot take up this offer; is there an alternative for me?
Debt payments
I am in debt, how do I pay this?
Changing bank details
I want to change my bank details, how do I do this?
KAL app
How do I download the KAL app?
Guidelines for booking
What are the guidelines for bookings?
Group fitness bookings
How do I make bookings for group fitness classes?
Cancel or amend class booking
How do I cancel or amend a group fitness class booking?
Advanced bookings
How many days in advance can I book?
Your KAL
Do I have to pay extra for Your KAL?