Sport and Activity

Students playing with volleyball outdoors

Social sport

With over 20 sessions each week, you can try something new with our social sport programme

Student playing with volleyball

A-Z Student Sport Clubs and Societies

The Students' Union supports students to run their own clubs and societies to provide a range of activities and opportunities

People exercising in a virtual spinning class

Memberships and benefits

Sign up to join and access gym, swim and class at ActiveHud and KAL facilities from £18 per month 

trainer holding students feet during training

Jobs, volunteering and leadership

Join our team, contribute to our community and develop skills for your future career

Bethany - Huddersfield Students' Union Activities Officer

Hello! I'm Bethany, the Activities Officer of Huddersfield's Student Union. My role is to represent all students and ensure all societies and sports clubs of the Union run smoothly and have everything they need.

The Student Union has a large variety of groups you can join which are all student led. You can find these clubs on the get involved section of the SU website. Most groups will offer a free taster session to their club so you can try something new out before making any commitments. If you have an idea for a society or sports club and can't find it on the website, please reach out to me so we can make it happen!

If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to get in touch with me through email - Also, follow @activitieshudsu for all sport and society news and updates!

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