Heather Wade
Heather is the Voice and Representation Manager
Favourite sport(s):
Badminton and swimming (through ActiveHud's KAL membership)
Before coming to university, did you play sport?
When I was younger, I played hockey, was captain of the rounders team, did competitive trampolining until I broke my arm very badly. As a younger woman I did yoga and ran half marathons. Then having a child stopped all sport (due to lack of time.)
What do you enjoy most about playing sports at university?
My sports membership through the University has enabled sport to be cost effective for me, and direct conversations with the Activities Team helped me to identify time and space in my days and weeks to be able to start to get involved in sport again. Without that I would never have got moving again. My life balance, sleep pattern, food choices, confidence, physical and mental health have all improved.
The community that I have found at swimming is nothing but supportive. Everyone is at their own level, lifting each other up and celebrating our collective success in just being in the pool. There is no judgement about age, body shape or ability – we do nothing but praise and care about each other. Not an easy thing to do with a bunch of people that you don’t know the names of when you are in your swimming costume! But that is the strength of sport.
What piece of advice would you give a female student who is unsure about getting involved in sport at university?
Give it a go! The personal benefits that sport can give you are endless, and the community that it will make you part of will be a bunch of people who will care about you and celebrate you for being you, and being part of their team.
When can students meet you during This Girl Can week?
I swim daily at Huddersfield Leisure Centre
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